
Shanghai Eiget 2014 Review

1. The company moves to a new location  

In May 2014, in order to meet the development needs of the company, Shanghai EJET and its subsidiaries moved to a new location, No. 858 Kangqiao Road, Pudong New Area. At the same time, the company added two new assembly lines, newly established sensor laboratory, EMI/EMC laboratory, environmental laboratory, production, testing, office, etc., all aspects of the environment is more improved, for the company's future development to make full preparation.  

2, the new infrared gas sensor technical indicators beyond the foreign similar products  

2014年,上海翼捷在红外传感器技术方面取得重大突破,红外气体传感器产品100%实现自主知识产权,在长期温度漂移、测量精度、使用温度范围等关键In 2014, Shanghai Eiger made a major breakthrough in infrared sensor technology. The infrared gas sensor products achieved 100% independent intellectual property rights, surpassing similar foreign products in long-term temperature drift, measurement accuracy, temperature range and other key technical indicators. At the same time, the production process, production equipment and other aspects of infrared sensor parts have been greatly upgraded, which has laid a solid foundation for the large-scale production and use of infrared sensor.

3. M610/M630 new gas alarm controller has been successfully developed and will be on the market soon  

In 2014, the new controller (M610 sub line controller /M630 bus controller), which took two years and invested a lot of money, was developed by Shanghai Ejet. The product summarizes the needs and experience of many customers on the basis of several prototype machine design and improvement after finalization. The product will be in the function, performance, flexibility, ease of use, consistency, technology and other aspects of the competitors' products.  

4. The development of new intelligent safe home furnishing products of H100 "Safety +" sub-brand was completed  

In 2014, Shanghai Ejet completed the design and mold opening of the H100 smart safety home product, which will contribute the ultimate safety single product to the smart home market and open the prelude of Ejet's entry into the civil safety product market. The product has gas leak alarm, electronic clock, indoor temperature, voice prompt, WIFI network and other functions, so that the safety technology into thousands of households, to protect the safety of customers' lives and property.  

5. A9060 fire graphic display device is put into operation

2014年,上海翼捷针对新版《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB50116-2003的新要求,即每个消防控制器必须配置消防图形显示装置,且不能采用普通的计算机、工控机来做消防图形显示装置使用。翼捷已成功研发并投产经过CCCF认证的一体化消防图形显示装置,主要针对国内消防厂家进行配套销售。预计In 2014, according to the new version of the "Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System" GB50116-2003, Shanghai Ejet must be equipped with fire graphic display device for each fire controller, and ordinary computers and industrial computers cannot be used as fire graphic display device. Eiger has successfully developed and put into production integrated fire graphic display devices certified by CCCF, which are mainly sold to domestic fire protection manufacturers. It is expected that 2015 will bring a significant increase in sales revenue for Eigert.

6. The mobile CRM system is in normal use  

2014年,上海翼捷为了加强驻外销售人员的管理,购买、建立了移动版的CRM客户关系管理系统,非常便利地实现销售及服务人员的工作日报填写、客户管In 2014, Shanghai jie to strengthen the administration of overseas sales personnel, purchase, set up a mobile version of the CRM customer relationship management system, very convenient to achieve sales and service personnel work daily to fill out, customer management, sales opportunity management, product price inquiry, delivery and payment status query and other functions, the establishment of a more effective channels of communication and management, improve sales efficiency.

7. "Aegis Security Cloud" has entered the internal test stage after the research and development  

In 2014, in order to follow the trend of the development of mobile Internet, Egate invested in the research and development of "Aegis Security Cloud" to realize the interconnection and interaction between the company and its customers, the company and its products, and the customers and products, so as to facilitate the real-time management and use of security products by customers, and give Egate the opportunity to provide customers with "active service". At present, the system has been developed and is in the internal testing phase, and will be put on the market in the near future.  

8. International cooperation projects are progressing smoothly  

Czech and the United States in 2014, Shanghai wing trade clients ODM project made significant progress, the product completely in accordance with the standard to carry on the design, the product will be certified by UL, FM, SIL and sales, in the global market makes the wing chit products into the international sales channels, at the same time make the wing can also sales in the Chinese market the international certification of the product. American customers highly appreciate the R&D capability and product technology of Eterjet, and promise to carry out greater scope and deeper cooperation.  

9. The company's business performance has increased greatly  

2In 2014, Shanghai wing home under the joint efforts of all staff, the macroeconomic situation and overcome the difficulty of increasing competition, rely on technology, product quality and service, continue to win more customers trust, the company's contract number, product sales, the company has achieved about 30% of the profit growth, complete the beginning of the board of directors of the company's business objectives.
