
Statement on the sales channel of Eigert

Our company has found that some illegal merchants and individuals have published our company's product information on several websites and made illegal malicious quotations without authorization recently. Such fraud and counterfeiting behaviors have seriously infringed upon the vital interests of users and caused great damage to our company's reputation and sales order.

Hereby, our company draws the respected user's high attention to the above behavior, and solemnly declares as follows:

1. Wing chit official taobao shop SPM = 2013.1.1000126. D21.0 ORFSp&qq - pf - to = PCQQ. C2c and wing jie officials suning stores is my company's operating network sales channels, in addition to the above electric business platform, our company not authorized other sites in terms of wing express product price and sales. Our company does not assume any responsibility or provide after-sales service for any quality disputes arising from any of our products sold on other websites.

2. Our company only accepts quotation stamped by Shanghai Ejet Company. Customers please purchase Ejet products through our customer service hotline 400-8016303 or contact our authorized dealer.

3. Our company reserves the right to pursue the legal responsibility of any unit or individual who uses our name to publish the information and prices of Eiger products on the Internet or other media.
