
Which material will lead to gas sensor poisoning?

Material will be listed in the table below for the negative effects of catalytic combustion type sensor bead, among them, the easiest way to make the sensor material is silicon compounds of poisoning, while hydrogen sulfide is one of the most common inhibitors.

Impact type

To poison

On behalf of the material



Silicon compounds

The silane, silicate and silicone

Widely exists in adhesives, lubricant, polishing agent, silica gel, cosmetics and other chemical products. Most likely to make the sensor poisoning, a few PPM can obviously decrease the performance of the sensor.



Tetraethyl lead in gasoline

Can reduce the sensitivity of the sensor, especially for the sensitivity of high ignition point compounds (such as methane)



Carbon disulfide, dimethyl disulfide, three methyl disulfide

Oxidized into inorganic acid, which may be corrosion sensors


Phosphorus compounds

Phosphorus and phosphate was

Oxidized into inorganic acid, which may be corrosion sensors

Inhibition of

Halogenated hydrocarbon

Freon, trichloroethylene, methyl chloride, etc

Exists in all kinds of solvent degreasing agent and cleaning agent, can also be released by overheating in the polymer, PVC electrode. High concentrations of halogenated hydrocarbon under the high temperature decomposition into HCL, possible corrosion sensors, reduce the signal reading.


Hydrogen sulfide

Carbon disulfide, dimethyl disulfide, three methyl disulfide

Both poisoning and inhibition of two kinds of effects. High concentrations of hydrogen sulfide can make the sensor failure immediately, while low concentration has a slight effect on the sensitivity.
